Sunday, 12 February 2012


Entomophagy is the consumption of insects as food.
Insects are eaten by many animals, but the term is generally used to refer to human consumption of insects; animals that eat insects are known as insectivores.
Over 1,000 insects are known to be eaten in 80% of the world's nations. Insect-eating is common in cultures in parts of the world, such as North, Central and South America; and Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. However, in some societies insect-eating is uncommon or even taboo.

Nowadays, insect eating is uncommon in the developed world, but insects remains in many developing regions of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania as delicacies or snacks.
Quite a number of people relish eating insects and arachnids like crickets, cicadas, grasshoppers, ants, a variety of beetle, the larvae of the darkling beetle or rhinoceros beetle, a variety of species of caterpillar, scorpions and tarantulas.
Those who live in China or Thailand and other Asian countries for example, do not mind the tastes of crickets.
And if you live in this region and you have not had a taste of this delicacy, maybe you would prefer baby nestling sparrows, mice, snakes, or maybe a bowl of scrumptious scorpion soup! These are all on the menu, as you can see from our pictures here.
One man's meat is another man's poison, as they say.
In Nigeria, mice, cockroaches and many other insects loiter many abodes and this has caused increase in the sales of rat and insects expeller that come in form of rat poisons, gums, traps and more.
Eating insects for food, snacking on crickets, snakes, baby nestling sparrows, mice, and scorpion soup might just be the way out of monetary paucity in recent times.

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